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tailored medical dogtags for people with diabetes


Med-Ur-Med offers a support for the persons with diabetes who might experience episodes of hypoglicaemia. Our dogtags have precise and proper indications to help overcome such situations. Any person might be saving your life: the only thing is to be sure that that person knows what to do.


Our team is part of the diabetes community and we understand that a prompt and proper provision of information might help save the life of the person wearing the dogtag. The information is vital to the first persons who assist you in case of an emmergency (medical professional or not).


There might be moments when your life depends on what is done in the the few first seconds of an emmergency.


Our dogtags may be carried on a chain, on your key ring, on the zipper of your jacket, or tied to your sport shoes and they offer prompt and vital information in case of an emmergency.


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